Sound Transportation Policy In Mesa Threatened By Prop 400/SB1102

Transportation policies in Mesa have been headed in a wrong direction for several years. A globalist-oriented Mesa city council has adopted plans coming from the unconstitutional Maricopa Association of Governments, a regional planning organization that promotes radical transportation policies originating with the United Nations.

One organization that has been fighting against this on a state and regional level is The Arizona Free Enterprise Club. They just released a new 36-page report, Review of the MAG PROP 400 Transportation Plan 2023 that is worth careful reading.

The Club released the following statement along with the report:

“The Free Enterprise Club has been heavily involved in the debate around the Prop 400 extension for many years, leading the fight to protect Arizona taxpayers and residents from radical initiatives to redesign our cities and force people out of their cars. Maricopa Association of Government’s “2050 Momentum Plan” does just that. 

The bill vetoed by Governor Ducey last year would have allowed for the full implementation of MAG’s plan. Unfortunately, SB1102 passed yesterday does just that, as has been confirmed by MAG and the cities who are in full support of the deal.

Though we worked diligently to ensure a conservative 400e plan passed unanimously by Republicans mid-June, our organization was left out of any ongoing negotiations that occurred the last 45 days. We received bill language on Saturday and spent considerable time analyzing the many provisions. We released a brief analysis Sunday afternoon and plan to publish more extensive information in the coming weeks.

We opposed SB 1102 because the language failed to thwart radical plans like road diets and Vision Zero, protect small businesses from the destruction of at-grade rail projects, and protect taxpayers from dumping billions more into failed transit projects that seemingly only enrich consultants and special interests.

 This is a setback, but we are committed to redoubling our efforts to protect Arizonans from this destructive and radical plan to force them into abandoning their vehicles to support an out-of-touch agenda.  And whether it be in city chambers, obscure unaccountable bureaucracies, the state legislature, or the ballot box, we will be there to fight.”


  • Patrick Wood

    Resident of Mesa, Arizona. Author, lecturer and editor of Technocracy News & Trends; founder of Citizens for Free Speech.

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